The Top 5 Cybersecurity Threats and How to Defend Against Them

Aparna Agarwal
Author: Aparna Agarwal, CISM, CEH, ECSP .NET
发表日期: 2024年2月27日

As the world becomes increasingly reliant on technology, the attack surface of cyberspace continues to expand. Cyberthreats have grown more sophisticated, 对个人构成重大风险, 组织和政府都一样. 有必要研究当今澳门赌场官方下载面临的主要网络威胁,并考虑可以采取哪些预防措施来保护数字资产和隐私.


与传统的黑客技术不同, 社会工程的重点是通过利用心理学和解读人类的互动模式来提取信息. 网络犯罪分子操纵人们的心理,鼓励人们分享机密信息. This could include stealing login credentials or banking details, or unknowingly installing malicious software. 这些恶意的网络攻击者使用社会工程作为绕过技术防御的策略. For example, 攻击者可以在电话中冒充银行代表,诱骗受害者分享个人信息,并利用这些信息未经授权访问他们的银行账户.

防御社会工程需要多层方法,包括技术解决方案的组合, robust policies and user awareness training. 可以帮助防御社会工程的几种技术解决方案是多因素身份验证(MFA), 端点保护, 电子邮件和网页过滤, and intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS).

There should also be policies in place that address areas such as access control, 数据分类, 数据标签和处理, 事件响应计划, social media use and password best practices.

防御社会工程需要多层方法,包括技术解决方案的组合, robust policies and user awareness training.

In addition, employees should be trained in how to recognize phishing emails, suspicious phone calls or other avenues that are used by attackers to manipulate them. Staff should be informed about the latest threats and best practices for staying secure. 一支消息灵通、有安全意识的工作队伍是任何成功防御战略的关键组成部分.

组织可以采用几种行为和态度来防止社会工程机制(figure 1).

Figure 1—社会工程: Rational, Wise, Emotional
Figure 1—社会工程: Rational, Wise, Emotional

By combining the following 3 strategies with a proactive and security-conscious approach, 组织可以创建更强大的防御社会工程攻击,并更好地保护其宝贵的资产和数据:

  1. 合理的措施
    • 限制访问. Limiting access ensures that only authorized personnel can access sensitive information. This reduces the chances of attackers infiltrating the organization.
    • 验证请求. 验证请求, especially those involving financial transactions or access to sensitive data, helps confirm the legitimacy of the requestor.
    • 提供澳门赌场官方软件. 定期对员工进行社会工程策略和安全最佳实践方面的澳门赌场官方软件,提高他们的意识,使他们能够识别和抵制操纵企图.
    • 保持软件更新. 定期更新软件和安全补丁可以最大限度地减少攻击者可能利用的漏洞.
  2. 最佳实践
    • 实施强密码策略. 执行强密码策略, such as requiring complex passwords and regular password changes, adds an extra layer of security against unauthorized access.
    • Be cautious of unsolicited emails or calls. 在处理不请自来的电子邮件或电话时要提高警惕,这有助于员工避免落入网络钓鱼计划和其他欺骗手段的圈套.
  3. 情绪弹性
    • 反应迅速. A swift response to security incidents minimizes damage and prevents further compromise. Organizations should have incident response plans in place.
    • 鼓励报告. 创建一种鼓励员工报告可疑活动或潜在安全漏洞的文化,确保及时识别和解决威胁.
    • 促进安全文化. When security is ingrained in an organization's culture, employees are more likely to prioritize it in their daily activities.
    • 与领导接触以获得支持. 获得领导的支持提供了必要的资源,并为整个组织树立了榜样, 强化安全意识.

将这些策略结合起来意味着组织不仅要采取适当的预防措施, but also create a responsive and resilient security environment. 这种全面的方法帮助他们领先于不断发展的社会工程策略, 保护他们宝贵的资产和数据, and reduce the potential impact of security breaches. In essence, 它将安全从一套简单的规则和指导方针转变为一种主动和自适应的防御机制.


随着组织越来越多地依赖第三方关系来处理其业务的各个方面, 使用第三方的相关风险已经变得更加明显,需要解决这一问题. 今天,每个澳门赌场官方下载都应该非常关注第三方风险的危险. 然而,有有效的方法来降低风险和维护组织利益.

当任何组织选择外包其服务或使用第三方提供的软件时, they are not any less likely to experience risk themselves. 当组织与外部供应商合作时,潜在的风险因素和漏洞仍然存在, suppliers, 承包商或合作伙伴. For example, 考虑将其医疗账单服务外包给第三方的医疗保健提供商. Due to lax security practices at the third-party billing organization, 病人的医疗记录被泄露, 导致数据泄露,并对医疗保健提供商造成潜在的法律和声誉影响.

幸运的是,澳门赌场官方下载可以采用几种策略来减轻第三方风险(figure 2).

Figure 2—Key Strategies for Enhancing Third-Party Security
Figure 2—Key Strategies for Enhancing Third-Party Security

防范第三方暴露涉及实现全面的风险管理策略,以减轻潜在风险并保护组织及其客户. By taking the following proactive measures, 组织可以显著降低第三方暴露的风险,并建立强大的防御机制,抵御来自第三方供应商的潜在安全漏洞:

  1. 进行全面的供应商评估. Before entering any business relationship, conduct exhaustive security assessments and due diligence on all third-party vendors. An assessment typically involves scrutinizing a vendor's security policies, 实践和跟踪记录. This may also encompass reviewing its cybersecurity infrastructure, data protection measures and compliance with relevant industry regulations. 通过进行这个评估, 组织可以识别与供应商相关的潜在安全风险,并就是否与他们合作做出明智的决定. It helps prevent partnerships with vendors who may pose a security threat.
  2. Include security requirements in contracts. 确保在与第三方供应商签订的合同和服务水平协议(sla)中明确列出安全需求. These requirements should outline the security measures expected from the vendor, 比如加密协议, 访问控制, 定期安全审核, and compliance with specific security standards or regulations. 在合同中包含安全需求有助于建立一个法律框架,使供应商对维护一定级别的安全性负责. It provides recourse in case of breaches and serves as a deterrent against negligence. These SLAs should specify who is responsible for what aspects of security, 如何解决数据泄露问题, and the consequences or compensation in the event of a security incident.
  3. 创建事件响应计划. 制定并持续更新事件响应计划,描述组织和第三方供应商将如何响应安全事件. Incident response plans outline the steps to take when a security incident occurs. 它们包括识别、控制、减轻和从违规中恢复的程序. These plans should involve both the organization and the third-party vendor. 事件响应计划确保对安全事件作出协调和有组织的响应, 尽量减少损坏和停机时间. 它们还促进了组织与其供应商之间的透明度和协作, facilitating a unified approach to security.


云服务提供商(csp)通过提供加密,在安全基础设施上投入了大量资金, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) protection, 身份管理服务, 合规认证, vulnerability scanning and incident response tools, and more. 云服务提供商还使用自动化和机器学习(ML)来检测威胁,并为客户提供维护安全云环境的工具和资源, 使云平台通常比许多组织的传统内部部署系统更安全. However, it is essential to recognize that no system is entirely immune to risk.

云漏洞是指与云计算环境相关的安全弱点和风险因素. While cloud services offer numerous benefits, they also present unique security challenges including potential data breaches, insecure application programming interfaces (APIs) or data storage, 帐户劫持和更多. For example, 如果不能及时对基于云的应用程序和基础设施应用安全更新和补丁,就会暴露漏洞,攻击者可以利用这些漏洞获得未经授权的访问或破坏数据. Fortunately, 建立有效的云安全防御有几个基本策略(figure 3).

图3 -云防御策略
图3 -云防御策略

There are 6 recommended strategies for defending against 云安全漏洞:

  1. Conduct a thorough cloud provider assessment. Before entrusting a cloud provider with data and applications, a thorough assessment of their security practices, infrastructure, 业绩记录是必不可少的. 这可确保云合作伙伴符合安全标准,并降低漏洞风险.
  2. Utilize identity and access management systems. IAM systems enable organizations to control and manage user access to cloud resources, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access critical data and services. IAM also allows the enforcement of security policies, including MFA.
  3. 定期发布安全补丁. 云提供商定期发布安全更新和补丁,以解决已知的漏洞. 及时应用这些补丁对于关闭安全漏洞和防止漏洞利用至关重要.
  4. Create data backups and disaster recovery plans. Data loss or system downtime can result from various factors including cyberattacks, 硬件故障或自然灾害. 实施健壮的数据备份和灾难恢复计划可确保数据弹性和业务连续性.
  5. 加强网络安全. 保护云环境中的网络基础设施对于保护传输中的数据和确保资源隔离至关重要. This includes implementing firewalls, intrusion detection systems and encryption.
  6. 优先考虑遵从性和审计. Compliance with industry regulations and standards is essential for data protection, risk mitigation and maintaining trust with customers. 定期审核确保遵守这些标准,并帮助确定需要改进的地方.

Defending against 云安全漏洞 is critical to protecting sensitive data, 确保遵守法规, maintaining business continuity and upholding trust with customers and partners. 通过优先考虑云安全, 组织可以降低网络事件的风险,并在日益数字化和互联的世界中维护其声誉.


Ransomware is a type of malicious software (i.e., 恶意软件)旨在加密或阻止访问受害者的文件或计算机系统,直到向攻击者支付赎金. In recent years, ransomware has become one of the most reoccurring forms of cyberattack. The average ransom demand in 2021 was US$5.3 million.1

Ransomware attacks can cause significant disruption to individuals and organizations. 它们可能导致数据丢失, financial losses due to downtime and ransom payments, reputational damage and legal and regulatory consequences. For example, 受到网络攻击的电子商务零售商可能会失去处理订单的能力,并可能遭受巨大的经济损失. The enterprise may be forced to pay a ransom to regain access to their data. 与此同时,当系统关闭时,由于业务中断往往会造成收入损失.

因此,预防至关重要. 从勒索软件攻击中恢复可能是具有挑战性和昂贵的,但使用正确的策略(figure 4),这是可能的.

Figure 4—Defending Against Ransomware Attacks
Figure 4—Defending Against Ransomware Attacks

There are 7 strategies that can be used to defend against ransomware attacks:

  1. 定期保存数据备份. Habitually backing up data is one of the most effective defenses against ransomware. If data is compromised or encrypted by ransomware, 拥有最新的备份可以确保在不支付赎金的情况下恢复关键信息.
  2. Implement effective 端点保护 measures. Ransomware often targets individual endpoints, such as computers and mobile devices. 强大的端点保护解决方案, including antivirus software and advanced threat detection, can help prevent ransomware from gaining a foothold.
  3. 启用防火墙. 防火墙是网络和潜在威胁(包括勒索软件)之间的屏障. 配置和启用防火墙可以帮助阻止恶意流量并防止勒索软件渗透系统.
  4. 利用网络分段. 将网络分割成孤立的区域可以限制勒索软件在组织内的横向移动. Even if ransomware infects one part of the network, 有网络分段, it is less likely to spread to other segments.
  5. 使用电子邮件和网页过滤器. Many ransomware attacks begin with phishing emails or via malicious websites. Email and web filtering solutions can block suspicious emails and web content, reducing the risk of users inadvertently downloading ransomware.
  6. Stay informed. Ransomware threats are continually evolving. Staying informed about the latest ransomware strains, tactics and vulnerabilities is crucial for proactive defense.
  7. 定期进行安全审核. 定期进行安全审计有助于识别组织安全状态中的漏洞和弱点. It enables practitioners to address issues before they can be exploited by ransomware.

By implementing these 7 measures and maintaining a security-conscious culture, 可以显著降低成为勒索软件受害者的风险,并增强组织应对网络威胁的弹性.


物联网(Internet of Things, IoT)是指日常物理设备和物体与互联网的互联, enabling them to collect and exchange data. 这些连接的设备, often equipped with sensors and processors, 可以在不需要人工干预的情况下相互通信并与中央系统通信吗.

IoT devices are vulnerable to cybercrime due to weak security measures, a proliferation of devices increasing the attack surface, the formation of botnets for large-scale attacks, a lack of updates and potential ransomware attacks, 除其他因素外.

利益相关者之间的合作, 遵守安全最佳实践并持续意识到不断变化的威胁,可以帮助降低物联网生态系统中与网络犯罪相关的风险(figure 5).

Figure 5—Strategies for Safer IoT Devices
Figure 5—Strategies for Safer IoT Devices


  1. Adhere to rigorous authentication protocols. 确保只有经过授权的用户和设备才能访问连接的设备是安全的基础. 强认证机制, 比如密码, biometrics, or MFA, 帮助防止未经授权的访问.
  2. Update firmware and software in a timely manner. 定期更新和修补程序对于解决连接设备中的已知漏洞至关重要. Outdated firmware and software can become easy targets for attackers.
  3. 进行物联网安全测试. 进行渗透测试, perform vulnerability scanning and take security assessments to assess device security. Address identified issues promptly and iteratively test security.
  4. 安全处置设备. When disposing of or decommissioning connected devices, data must be securely wiped to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information.
  5. 遵守法规遵从性要求. 确保所连接的设备符合相关法规和标准,以满足安全与隐私要求. Noncompliance can result in legal and financial consequences.

通过采取这些积极的措施, 组织可以加强其物联网安全态势,并最大限度地降低与连接设备相关的风险. 这使组织能够保护敏感数据并维护其网络的完整性.


防御网络威胁是一个关键且持续的过程,需要采取积极主动和多方面的方法. 社会工程, 第三方接触, 云安全漏洞, ransomware, and IoT are the top threats that organizations should focus on to protect their data, systems, 和名声. 如果处理不当,这些威胁可能会给组织造成重大损害或损失. As such, organizations should invest in security awareness programs, 第三方管理, 云安全, 备份和恢复, and IoT security to help prevent and mitigate risk.

Additionally, collaborating with reputable security partners, 随时了解最新的威胁,不断重新评估和改进安全实践对于有效降低网络风险至关重要. By prioritizing cybersecurity and fostering a security-conscious culture, 组织可以降低成功网络攻击的可能性,确保更有弹性和安全的数字环境.


1 熊猫安全公司,”73 Ransomware Statistics Vital for Security in 20232023年1月24日

Aparna Agarwal, CISM, CEH, ECSP .NET

杜卡拉的首席技术官, a leading cybersecurity company that provides end-to-end solutions for organizations. She has more than 10 years of experience in the cybersecurity field. With a focus on enterprises safe from digital threats, Agarwal专注于提供满足每个客户独特需求的定制解决方案, whether it is through vulnerability assessments, penetration testing or data privacy management. She is also a member of the ISACA New Delhi Chapter (India). 具有IT治理背景, 风险管理, and security, Agarwal is well-versed in the latest industry best practices and regulations. 她对框架的广泛了解使她能够为客户提供实现合规性和维护安全数字环境所需的指导和支持.
